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Whether you are scheduled for a tooth extraction or undergoing reconstructive procedures, oral surgery can feel overwhelming when you are unsure of what to expect. The positive news is that we have a wealth of experience in delivering top-notch dental care. Our goal is to ensure you are at ease before your upcoming surgery, and knowledge is key to your preparation. Below are essential details to familiarize yourself with before your procedure.

Preparing for Oral Surgery

Once your surgery is scheduled, there are several steps you should take to get ready. Firstly, ensure you have arranged transportation to and from your appointment. If anesthesia is required, you will need assistance getting home safely and settling into bed. Most dental procedures necessitate a day or two of rest, so be sure to plan time off from work or school. Create a comfortable resting space and stock up on soft, nutritious foods like purees, soups, applesauce, and scrambled eggs. Do your grocery shopping in advance to have an ample supply of these items. Additionally, have over-the-counter pain relief medication and gauze pads readily available.

Recovery After Oral Surgery

Immediately after your surgery, you may feel groggy as the effects of anesthesia wear off. We advise you to return home and rest. Stay hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids and avoid using straws. Refrain from tobacco and alcohol products for the initial days following surgery. While discomfort typically diminishes within a few days, you may require over-the-counter or prescribed pain medication for relief. Applying a cold compress to your cheek can also help alleviate pain. Take it easy, avoid sports or strenuous activities for a couple of days, and contact us promptly if pain intensifies or bleeding persists. Notify us if you develop a fever, as it could indicate an infection.

Managing Dental Anxiety

Rest assured that we are available to address any queries you may have regarding your specific procedure. Do not hesitate to contact us. Being well-informed about your surgery can help alleviate anxiety. Arrive early for your appointment, take deep breaths, and feel free to discuss any concerns with us. Trust that you are in capable hands at Southbridge Dental Care. We look forward to welcoming you soon for your surgery or dental visit! Together, we will work towards achieving your beautiful and enduring smile!

June 4, 2020

How to Prepare for Oral Surgery

Oral surgery can be daunting when you don’t know what to expect. Southbridge Dental Care is experienced at providing the very best in dental care. Read our blog for the information you need to feel relaxed for your upcoming surgery.

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