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The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jawbone to the skull in front of each ear, and disorders in this joint can result in pain in the jaw and surrounding areas.

What Are the Common Causes of TMJ Disorders?

Identifying the precise cause of TMJ disorder can be challenging due to multiple contributing factors. Clenching and grinding teeth, arthritis, jaw injuries, and genetic predispositions are all linked to TMJ. Additionally, heightened stress levels can trigger TMJ symptoms, which often alleviate during periods of relaxation.

What Are Some of the Symptoms of TMJ?

Common symptoms of TMJ include jaw and jaw joint pain or tenderness, earaches, difficulty chewing, facial pain, headaches, and clicking, snapping, or popping sounds in the jaw during activities like chewing, laughing, or talking.

How Are TMJ Disorders Treated?

In many instances, TMJ symptoms are temporary and may improve with dietary or lifestyle adjustments. For persistent symptoms, the Southbridge Dental Care team offers treatment for TMD using a custom mouthguard worn during sleep to relieve pressure on the jaw joint. Surgical options are only considered for severe cases of TMJ disorders.

For inquiries about TMJ disorders or to schedule an appointment at Southbridge Dental Care, please reach out to us today!

November 1, 2022

How to Know You Have TMJ Dysfunction

In our blog post, we talk about the causes and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ dysfunction.

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